
At the MySQL developer conference I accidently showed up some of things we’ve been doing with dtrace (I used it in few cases and realized the power it has), and saw some jaws drop. Then I ended up doing small demos around the event. What most people know about dtrace, is that there’re some probes and you can trace them. What people don’t know is that you can actually create lots of probes dynamically, and use them with lots of flexibility.

One of major things not really grasped by many is that dtrace is a combination of a tracing tool, debugger, programming language and a database, having minor, but very valuable functionality for each. It can attach to any place in code, it can get stacks, function arguments, traverse structures, do some evaluations, aggregate data, and in the end – thats all compiled code executed by kernel (or programs). 

Sometimes a probe may look not that useful (strace would provide file writes too?), but once combined with ability to get immediate stack, as well as set or read context variables (a previous probe on any other event could have saved some important information, e.g. host,user,table names, etc) – so final result may tell statistics correlated to many other activities. 

One developer (a traitor who has left support for easier life in engineering dept) listened to all this, and I asked what his current project was – apparently he was adding static dtrace probes to MySQL. It ended up being quite interesting discussion, as static probes provide two value points. First of all, it provides an interface – whereas dynamic probes can change with code changes (though, that doesn’t happen too often :) Second value – one can do additional calculations on a specific probe, which would be done only on-demand (when the probe is attached). 

So, having a static probe that directly maps to easy-mode dynamic one (it is straightforward to attach to a function, and quite easy to read its arguments), is a bit of waste (both in development time, as well as few instructions are actually written there). Dynamic tracing generally modifies binaries on fly – so it does not carry additional costs otherwise. Though an example where static probe would be awesome – having “query start” event, which would have query string canonized with all literals removed – this would allow on-demand query profiling for query groups, rather than stand-alone queries.

The other major value is ability to set thread-specific context variables in different probes, so they can read each other data. At the type of incoming packet one can tag the thread with whichever information needed – then any subsequent actions can reuse such information to filter out important events. That also removes the need of static probes providing multiple-layer information – it all can be achieved by chaining the events – without too much complexity. 

I took a bit of trollish stance when approached a developer implementing internal performance statistics. We were playing a game – he’d tell me what kind of performance information he’d like to extract, and I’d show a method to do that with dtrace. More people from monitoring field joined, and we ended up discussing what is the perfect performance monitoring and analysis system. It is quite easy to understand, that different people will need different kinds of metrics. For MySQL development work performance engineer will need mutex contention information, someone fixing a leak will need heap profiling, someone writing a feature will want an easy way to trace how server executes their code – and all that is way far from any needs actual user or DBA has. Someone who writes a query just wants to see the query plan with some easy-to-understand costs (just need to pump more steroids into EXPLAIN). DBAs may want to see resource consumption per-user, per-table, etc (something Google patch  provides). It is interesting to find a balance, between external tools and what should be supported out-of-the-box internally – and it is way easier to force internal crowd to have proper tools, and it is always nice to provide a much as possible instrumentation for anyone externally. 

Of course, there’s poor guy in the middle of two camps – a support engineer – who needs easy performance metrics to be accessible from clients, but needs way more depth than standard tools provide. In ideal case dtrace would be everywhere (someone recently said, thats one of coolest things Sun has ever brought) – then we’d be able to retrieve on-demand performance metrics from everywhere, and would be tempted to write DTraceToolkit  (a suite of programs that give lots and lots of information based on dtrace) like bunch of stuff for MySQL internals analysis.

I already made one very very simple tool  which visualizes dtrace output, so we can have graphviz based SVG callgraph for pretty much any type of probe (like, who in application does expensive file reads) – all from a single dtrace oneliner. It seems I can sell the tool to Sun’s performance engineering team – they liked it. :) 

Some people even installed Solaris afterwards for their performance tests. Great, I won’t have to (haha!).

Though lack of dtrace in Linux is currently a blocker for the technology, lots of engineers already have it on their laptops – MacOSX 10.5 ships it. It even has visual toolkit, that allows building some dtrace stuff in a GUI. 

I’m pretty sure now, any engineer would love dtrace (or dtrace based tools), they just don’t know that yet.

3 thoughts on “dtrace!”

  1. Stewart, thats the trick – once you’re really working on performance engineering, you end up with Solaris or MacOSX somewhere around ;-)

  2. Can dtrace static probes be implemented to do something useful on Linux? User-level only dtrace on Linux would still be very useful.

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